Why is this cool? - Suppose you need to write unit tests for a web service with quite complex structures (I'm looking at you swift/iso22000). Manually coding data into tests could take quite a while but if you already have some examples from logged requests or sample XML files you could use something like the below class to emit c# object initialization code and BAM your template code is written.
public static class ObjectInitializationSerializer
private static string GetCSharpString(object o)
if (o is bool)
return $"{o.ToString().ToLower()}";
if (o is string)
return $"\"{o}\"";
if (o is int)
return $"{o}";
if (o is decimal)
return $"{o}m";
if (o is DateTime)
return $"DateTime.Parse(\"{o}\")";
if (o is Enum)
return $"{o.GetType().FullName}.{o}";
if (o is IEnumerable)
return $"new {GetClassName(o)} \r\n{{\r\n{GetItems((IEnumerable)o)}}}";
return CreateObject(o).ToString();
private static string GetItems(IEnumerable items)
return items.Cast().Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, item) => current + $"{GetCSharpString(item)},\r\n");
private static StringBuilder CreateObject(object o)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append($"new {GetClassName(o)} \r\n{{\r\n");
foreach (var property in o.GetType().GetProperties())
var value = property.GetValue(o);
if (value != null)
builder.Append($"{property.Name} = {GetCSharpString(value)},\r\n");
return builder;
private static string GetClassName(object o)
var type = o.GetType();
if (type.IsGenericType)
var arg = type.GetGenericArguments().First().Name;
return type.Name.Replace("`1", $"<{arg}>");
return type.Name;
public static string Serialize(object o)
return $"var newObject = {CreateObject(o)};";