Basic Reader Example:
var rsxr = new ResXResourceReader("demo.resx");
foreach (DictionaryEntry d in rsxr)
Console.WriteLine(pathRelativeToStartingPath + ",\"" + d.Key + "\",\"" + d.Value + "\"");
Basic Writer Example:
string txt = "One smart fellow, he felt smart";
string txt_fr = "Un garçon intelligent, il se sentait à puce";
ResXResourceWriter rsxw = new ResXResourceWriter("demo.resx");
rsxw.AddResource("MyText", txt);
ResXResourceWriter rsxw_fr = new ResXResourceWriter("");
rsxw_fr.AddResource("MyText", txt_fr);
Of course if you are putting images or media into your resx file you'll additional code to handle the different types that value can be.